Dirt Rich offers an affordable weekly food scrap pickup service right at your doorstep. Leave your food scrap bucket on the doorstep and we’ll be by to take your scraps and leave you with a new biodegradable bucket liner.
Doorstep and Drop Off Options
Dirt Rich offers an affordable weekly food scrap pickup service right at your doorstep. Leave your food scrap bucket on the doorstep and we’ll be by to take your scraps and leave you with a new biodegradable bucket liner.
Bear proof drop off option. We can assign you a bear proof drop-off bin near to your location. This can be accessed 24-7 and is a great option if you don’t mid a little extra leg work.
Any food or food scrap can be thrown in the bin, period. All meat, all dairy, all produce… ALL food substances. Non-bleached paper is allowed in bins and BPI Certified compostable containers as well.
Leave your 5 gallon food scrap bucket on your home’s doorstep and we’ll be by to collect your scraps and leave you with a new biodegradable bucket liner.
Doorstep Pricing
Weekly pick up works well for a 1-2 person household that cooks often at home, or for a 3+ person household that cooks regularly at home. Prices may vary by location.
Biweekly pickup works well for a 1-2 person household or a 3+ person household that rarely cooks at home. Prices may vary by location.
Drop Off Pricing
Would you like to do more of the leg work and pay a little less to compost with us? Let us assign you a bear-proof bin near your home to drop off your scraps in at your convenience throughout the month.
© 2025 · Dirt Rich LLC. | Site by Highline